Our Lion Park Truck Stop facilities are quality services you can trust. Our friendly teams are eager to go the extra mile so that your stopover with us ends in a smile. The best truck stop services experience on the N3. A truck stop with showers that are open 24-hours!

Low Cost Quality Diesel

Fill up at Lion Park Truck Stop. Drivers can refuel at our brand new secure facility, which offers competitively priced diesel and high-speed pumps.

Showers and Restrooms

Wash off the day with a refreshing hot shower. Our truck stop offers showers and clean bathroom facilities that are open 24/7. We service the restrooms continuously throughout the day.

Fresh Food Prepared Daily

Fresh affordable homemade meals. Cooked beef or chicken stews with pap or rice. Available from 7am to 7pm. Truck drivers cannot live life to the fullest on an empty stomach!

Free Wi-Fi Connectivity

Connect with family and friends, download your favourite music or spend time on social media with our lightning-fast fibre internet.

Truck Stop Spaza Shop

Buy food and supplies at great prices. Stock up on daily essentials or necessary products. Hot and cold drinks. Airtime available for all networks.

24-hour CCTV Surveillance

Lion Park Truck Stop is guarded by an onsite, industry-leading, high-definition CCTV surveillance system with footage monitored daily and available for 6 months retroactive.

Safety and Security

Our clear view perimeter is protected by an electric fence that is actively patrolled 24/7. Regular internal patrols are also conducted to ensure the safety of your drivers, trucks and cargo.

Loadshedding Generator

In case of power outages or load shedding, Lion Park Truck Stop has a dedicated generator to ensure that the lights won’t go down and there will be no safety breaches.

Emergency Driver Assistance

Our truck stop admin team are available 24/7 to help truck drivers with facilitating emergency maintenance, corrections of orders or deliveries and assistance with proof of delivery (POD) etc.

Multiple Payment Options

Cash accounts and all major VISA and MASTERCARD credit and debit cards are accepted. This allows us to provide a safe and secure environment for both operators and truck drivers.